3-2-1 Backup: Tuning Time Machine on Mac Clients
Below, I introduce a utility for macOS called TimeMachineEditor and show the configurations steps aiming to ensure backup data consistency for cloud synchronization.
Note: This article is a part of 3-2-1 Backup series. Please make sure to start with the Introduction.
I assume that you have followed the steps in the previous parts and have your Raspberry Pi Time Machine “Capsule” configured as described in 3-2-1 Backup: Setting Up Raspberry Pi for Cloud Sync.
Installing TimeMachineEditor
Head over to TimeMachineEditor page at tclementdev and follow the instructions in Download section. There are two choices given: either download a package file or install via Homebrew. Pick whichever you prefer.
In case of Homebrew:
$ brew install --cask timemachineeditor
Configuring TimeMachineEditor
Run TimeMachineEditor and make sure that Do not back up from: checkbox is checked and the time interval includes 2 AM - this is when the Raspberry Pi kicks off its nightly cloud sync (as per Setting Up Raspberry Pi for Cloud Sync). I keep the backup exclusion interval from 1 AM to 3 AM - see Fig 1 below. Prohoboting backup jobs one hour prior to cloud sync gives Macs’ Time Machine enough time to complete previously started cycles. 3 AM is quite arbitrary, choose any time past 2 AM.
While at it, click on Show Advance Settings as well to reveal a few other configuration options. I keep both - Don’t back up when an app prevents display sleep and Don’t back up when an app prevents system sleep - checked to avoid hiccups when watching videos on my Mac laptops or running long processing jobs like video encoding and such.
Fig 1. Standard Settings Dialog of TimeMachineEditor
Fig 2. Advanced Settings Dialog of TimeMachineEditor
Once happy with the choices, click to Apply the settings. TimeMachineEditor confirms success of the operation and might remind you to disable automatic back up in macOS’ Time Machine System Preferences. Please do so to avoid clashes between Mac’s build-in Time Machine scheduler and the new TimeMachineEditor’s settings.
Fig 3. TimeMachineEditor’s Reminder to Disable Automatic Backups in System Preferences
Fig 4. macOS’ Time Machine System Preferences
Good Karma
While TimeMachineEditor if 100% free, please consider making a donation to support the developer. It is good karma!
PayPal donation info is on TimeMachineEditor page.
Our 3-2-1 backup system is complete and ready for production!
On each of your Mac computers, go to System Preferences… -> Time Machine, select Select Disk… and pick your Raspberry Pi from the list. You will need to provide credentials for the scribe Samba user. Do not forget to check Encrypt backups option and choose a strong password.
Check the logs produced by sync-backup.sh in scribe’s home directory periodically too.
Keep it Safe. Back Up!